Thursday, 2 April 2009


I'm now working on my translation of an extract from "Ni d'Eve ni d'Adam" by Amélie Nothomb. I've told Max that I will read it at the "Translation Evening" at his faculty. I've always wanted to take part in this event, but given that this is the faculty of Oriental Studies and I don't speak any languages of the kind and much less do I translate from any, it was rather difficult. But this year it occurred to me that I could translate something ABOUT the East from English or French. And a novel by a Belgian (!!!) writer about Japan is exactly what I needed.
It turned out to be rather difficult, though in French it reads extremely easily. In Russian these short sentences don't sound the same way... instead, they sound primitive... It's getting easier though as I'm working through to the end of the episode, so, hopefully, I'll be able to find the adequate way of translating.
And I'm thinking about the title. This phrase in French is used in combination with the verb "connaitre" (to know), and altogether it means "not to know somebody at all", "ni d'Eve ni d'Adam" standing for "at all". But "At all" doesn't look like a title, does it? It's no better in Russian. The official translation in English is "Tokyo Fiancee" which sounds boring to me... Yes, it's about the plot, but it loses the flavour... Food for thought, huh?
And I'm going to post the extract here, though it's huge and in Russian.

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